Thursday, October 14, 2010

Drumroll please...

After almost no thought, and in the face of few other viable options, I have found a new purpose for this blog! IT ... WILL ... BE ... about my upcoming study abroad trip!
Yes, ladies (lady?) and gentlemen (gentleman?), you read that correctly. I will now join the huddled, unthinking masses of middle-class white kids writing about their traveling adventures as if anyone cared what they did. I promise to do my best to make it the least narcissistic, least stereotypical of all in this overdone category.
For those of you that don't know (look at me pretending like anyone I'm not related to reads this thing), I will be spending a semester abroad in Santiago, Chile beginning in January. I'm in the process of completing forms and submitting my visa application.
More details to come soon.


  1. It seems that you almost don't want the people "related" to you, to read this. I enjoy your blogs and I'm proud to be you Mother.

  2. Okay...I'll read your narcisstic white kid blog if you read mine, k?

  3. Hahaha, I've already been reading yours religiously, Kristina!

  4. Awww Karen, he's SO stuck with us!!
